3 things most needed in the pandemic
Toilet paper, rubber gloves, and a mask. Can you find them? They are hiding in plain sight. My daughter, Beck, is my model here and she is wearing all three. The ruffle on the hat is made from toilet paper, the rubber glove on her hand (that was the easy one), and the mask is the ruffle on the end of her sleeve.

4 things my family runs out of most.
I saw this original and immediately thought of an almost empty toilet paper roll to replace the large fragment of the temple. I sawed off the top of the empty hand soap bottle for the piece all the way to the left. The third piece from left to right is a dish soap cap and the piece all the way to the right is the bottom half of a coffee K-cup.

6 books I have read
So far during this Covid-19 stay-at-home order. Under normal circumstances, I don’t get a lot of opportunities to read for fun, but this time has allowed me to do just that. It is quite possibly the best thing about having to stay at home. That, and I’m lucky enough to have my grown children with us. My oldest, Amanda, is the model for this recreation. I tried to costume and position her as closely as possible to the original.

10 times
My family had to use aluminum foil for leftovers in the first week of the pandemicIf you look at the original, there are only about 10 stars that could loosely be called “star-shaped”. The rest are just flecks. I tried to show that in my recreation with the yellow construction paper cut-outs. I used wrinkled aluminum foil as the background because, at first glance, that is what I was reminded of when I saw this painting with all its tiny, separate brush strokes.

12 best friends
There are 12 apples visible, although a few are barely visible as they are mostly tucked behind others. Normally we gather together at least 5 or 6 times a month to celebrate each other’s birthdays, anniversaries, holiday parties, or to see at church. They are the folks who will be there at the drop of a hat if you need anything. We are so blessed to have them in our lives, and we miss seeing them terribly.