
Digital Color Illustration

Project Type: photo editing, digital color illustration Skills Needed Photoshop I retouched a public-domain, black-and- white image and added color to selected parts of the image. Original Photo The photo is of Italian Immigrants at Ellis Island in 1905, taken by Lewis Hine. Choosing Colors I wanted the mother and child to be portrayed with dignity […]

Designer Ethics

Project Type: Web Design and Development Skills Needed: html, CSS Grid, CSS flex, CSS shape-outside, Illustrator For this project, I interpreted the text from Mike Monteiro’s Essay, A Designer’s Code of Ethics visually based on my response to it. Designer Ethics Web Page Concept The statement “A designer does not believe in edge cases” was meaningful […]

Global Giving Market Poster

Project Type: Poster Skills Needed: InDesign, Photoshop Context This poster was designed to advertise the Global Giving Fair at Anne Arundel Community College. Global Giving Market The Global Giving Market sells fair trade items from around the world. Many of these items can be seen in the online SERRV catalog and include food, jewelry, and […]

Town of Edmonston Website

Project Type: Web Design Skills Needed: WordPress, Graphic Design, Photo editing and optimization Customer: Town of Edmonston Website: edmonstonmd.gov Context The Town of Edmonston had a website that was old and written in outdated code, making it difficult to update, and nearly impossible to navigate on mobile devices. The town wanted a new website that would look […]

Replace-the-Hate Poster

Project Type replace-the-hate messages through posters, products, and organic displays Skills Needed Photoshop, Illustrator This replace-the-hate poster holds my vision for the future. The rose image represents hope, love, beauty, growth, and regeneration. The “hope” text appears friendly and different from the other lettering, while “hate” is being pushed into the ground to be replaced by new […]