This website was designed for a hypothetical small landscaping business, Maryland Bayscapes, that focuses on designing and building environmentally-friendly landscapes using native plants.

Target Audience
The goal of the site is to attract customers. Customers are most likely to be environmentally-conscious homeowners in Maryland. With that in mind, I created text and photos to provide basic information about rain gardens and native wetland gardens and demonstrate their benefits to both homeowners and the environment. The site also provides a form and information for contacting the company.
Visual Design
The site colors were taken from the colors of the flower. These colors evoke purple-blue skies, sunshine, and green plants. The body background is a photo of the Chesapeake Bay in the which much of the sky is the same color as the petals of the purple passion flower. The remaining photographs on the site are of gardens, and contain lots of green in various shades and hues.
All of the text on the site uses Verdana, a simple, easily legible, sans-serif font.The company logo, a purple passion flower, is on the top left in the header of each page.

The website is responsive and includes a form and a table of information about native plants, all of which were developed using html and css.